The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

RUNESCAPE 99 DIARIES - ENTRY 2 - 11.12.2023

I've been playing RS in a split between mobile and desktop Runelite at this point. I would have been absolutely blown away as a kid to know that you'd be able to play something like this on your phone. I have to say overall, it's not a bad experience on mobile. It's perfect for doing single click grinds while watching TV. Otherwise I much prefer to play on desktop like the ol' days.

I've spent a good chunk of time grinding combat levels. I received all of the adventurers path stuff for those, so I decided to get started on magic. This quickly reminded me how much I disliked the magic/rune system when I first started playing. I think it's just having to lug around a bunch of runes everywhere you go if you expect to do any wizardy stuff that annoys me. But, I spent enough time to get past level 10 so I could collect the rewards.

One thing I hadn't dipped into much this playthrough is mining/smithing. I grabbed my pickaxe and started making copper/tin laps in Lumbridge. This was always my favorite skill in the game. Something about the mining/smelting/smithing gameloop was always satisfying to me for some reason. Leveled up enough to get working on iron. So instead of Lumbridge, I'm in Varrock now, making laps.

Haven't done any other quests. Right now the XP grind isn't bothersome, so I figure I'll keep chipping away at it while it's feeling good.

I also realized that, at some point when I hit higher levels, there are going to be longer gaps of my current levels screenshots that show no change. So in addition to the screenshot, I'm going to list out the XP values too.

Current XP (Skills not listed at 0 XP)

Attack - 1885/2107

Mining - 8015/8740

Strength - 2481/2746

Smithing - 3086/3115

Defense - 1356/1358

Fishing - 3340/3523

Ranged - 12/83

Cooking - 5630/6291

Prayer - 1274/1358

Crafting - 202/276

Firemaking - 1520/1584

Magic - 1162/1358

Firemaking - 1150/1154

And my current stats:

'till next time friend,


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